Monday, May 6, 2013


I may be the first to say it, but I'm not a big fan of the Instragram logo. Most other social networking type sites or applications have an incredibly simple design. Facebook has the white F. Twitter has a bird, and heck even myspace was simple with 3 stick figure humans. Instagram is going to be that hipster social networking site by going against the grain and making a logo with way too much going on.

We get that the whole gist of the app is about picture taking. You don't have to put what you actually do in the logo, for god's sake. Twitter's logo isn't a girl complaining about the weather, or a giant hashtag. Facebook's logo isn't a "share this or this baby dies" post. Neither or they giant computer screens. I believe a more effective logo for instagram is just "Insta" and the colors over top of it. It's similar to the polaroid logo for those old cameras, since instagram is basically a 21st century global polaroid camera. It would stand out in the wall of apps on most people's ipods more than the current logo.

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